Chiropractic Manipulation and Manual Techniques

Chiropractic Manipulation
Also known as the adjustment, Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy utilizes short controlled thrusts delivered into the joints or gentle repetitive mobilizations of the joints. These specific manipulations are designed to free up restrictions in motion and improve the balance and position of joints. The maneuvers can be delivered by hand, or with an instrument. Dr. Fields utilizes several different techniques. This includes: Motorized Flexion-Distraction (Leander), Thompson, Drop Technique, Diversified, Gonstead, Activator, Arthrostim, and more. These techniques are applied according to your comfort level and each patient is treated individually depending on their needs.
Passive Stretching
Stretching tight tissues is also important to improving biomechanics in the affected regions. While some stretches can be taught during rehab or physical therapy sessions, sometimes you just can’t quite stretch those muscles by yourself and you need somebody to get in there and move you in ways you can’t do alone. Our doctor will take the time to assess which muscle groups are tight and contracted, then target these areas with gentle repeated stretch techniques to release tension and improve mobility.
Soft Tissue Manipulation
Our Doctor also employs a variety of soft tissue techniques to break up adhesions created by scar tissue and release tension resulting from knots and trigger points. Muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, and other connective tissue can all be specifically targeted and worked to regain normal functionality. Our Tulsa Doctor utilizes a variety of different techniques including trigger point therapy, Positional Release Technique, Active Release Technique, Graston Technique: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (Scraping), Myofascial Release, and other manual therapies. These techniques are carefully applied to your tolerance from very gentle to more aggressive depending on your feedback.

Does Chiropractic Help?
Yes, without a doubt and studies have shown it! In fact, there is a mountain of scientific evidence supporting chiropractic manipulation. Chiropractic methods are safe, comfortable, and effective. The evidence is so overwhelmingly clear to the point that even the medical profession is recommending Chiropractic. Moreover, many respected medical groups have developed guidelines for managing pain that include Chiropractic. Not only is manipulation effective, but also one of the safest options for neck and back pain as highlighted in Times Magazine. Also, consider that 90% of professional athletes use a Chiropractor. Here are some things you might not know…
The Evidence Behind Chiropractic Manipulation
American Pain Society and American College of Physicians
In 2007, an all-medical panel jointly formed by the American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians published guidelines in the Annals of Internal Medicine. They recommended spinal manipulation for acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain.
WHO Bone and Joint Taskforce
The World Health Organization’s Bone and Joint Taskforce Committee of 2000-2010 revealed their findings after a 10 year study. The committee was composed of members representing 19 different clinical and scientific disciplines (including DC, MD, and PhD). There were 8 collaborating universities and research institutes in 4 countries. They found that active treatments such as manipulation, mobilization, and exercise were more beneficial than customary medical care in the treatment of neck pain.
Northwestern Health Sciences University
A study by Northwestern Health Sciences University showed that Chiropractic outperformed drugs for neck pain. The study was published in the New York times in January of 2012. Of the Chiropractic group, 30% had no neck pain at the end of 12 weeks while the medical group only had 13% with use of NSAIDs (like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc.).
Duke University and Cochrane Collaboration
In 2001, Duke University Center for Health Policy Research completed their evidence report on treatments for tension-type and cervicogenic headaches. They concluded that Chiropractic care had markedly superior long term results compared to traditional medical treatment. Moreover, Chiropractic manipulation sustained improvement longer in headache frequency and severity compared to other treatments. Additionally, the Cochrane Collaboration, a systematic review of evidence, reached a similar conclusion to the Duke study in 2004.
The Spine Journal
In 2003, a study published in the scientific journal Spine concluded: In patients with chronic spinal pain, manipulation resulted in greater short-term improvement than acupuncture or medication. Improvement in the Manipulation group was 27.3%, Acupuncture 9.4%, and Medication 5%.
Other Publications
Of course, I’ve only presented a fraction of the proof. Presently similar evidence exists supporting manipulation of conditions of the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. Publications can be found in the British Medical Journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of American Chiropractic Association, Military Medical Centers, and other scientific literature.
Long story short… Yes, It works!