Lymphatic Massage after Liposuction

Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction:
Medical Lymphatic massage is a special type of therapy that improves the flow of lymph throughout the body. This helps to clear toxins and damaged tissues.
After a person has liposuction, they are left with swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the area. The lymphatic system is responsible for draining excess fluid and waste products from the body. Therefore, by stimulating the lymphatic system with a medical lymphatic massage, the lymphatic drainage is improved. In turn, this will increase healing in the area and reduce recovery time.
Can Lymphatic Massage Help with Skin Appearance after Liposuction?
Studies have shown lymphatic massage to be beneficial post-surgically after liposuction. Lymph massage can help to assure minimal visible damage. The liposuction procedure removes fat beneath the skin which can lead to sagging and visible folds. Lymph massage can improve the appearance of the skin ensuring your best chance to properly recover normal healthy tissues around the area of treatment.
Who Can Perform Lymphatic Medical Massage?
Medical Massage Therapists are specially trained to perform lymphatic massage for the purpose of stimulating the lymph system to assist with healing and recovery. While some basic lymph massage technique is part of the core curriculum at most massage schools, medical massage therapists receive specialized training to perform lymphatic massage at the next level. The massage technique for liposuction is different from a deep tissue or muscle massage, so it’s best to find someone who understands lymphatic massage.
How Soon After Liposuction Can You Receive Lymphatic Massage?
You will want to check with your surgeon to be cleared for lymphatic massage after your liposuction procedure. Starting massage too early can increase inflammation or dislodge sutures. Some surgeons allow massage as soon as two days after surgery, while others recommend waiting three to four weeks. However, most surgeons recommend beginning massage around 2 weeks after the procedure.
How Much Does Medical Massage Cost?
Medical massage varies in price. Our standard hourly fee is $100/hr. However, we offer an introductory $49 hour massage. We also offer no-commitment memberships that greatly reduce the price and you can cancel anytime. If you are wanting to know more about massage costs, just click here to see our prices and specials.
Where Can You Get Medical Massage?
If you are looking for Medical Lymphatic Massage in Tulsa, then simply book an appointment with one of our Licensed Medical Massage Therapists. You can choose a male or female therapist. We are open late on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we have Saturday availability. Feel free to call or text for more information.