Rehab Exercises
Thanks for your patience as we build these pages
We are working to add more content to this section of our website. We do not have all of the exercise videos yet. Thank you for your patience.
Congratulations for taking an interest in bettering your health with rehabilitative exercises. Please use this index to find the specific exercises prescribed to you in the clinic.
The index is arranged by type and body region. Your rehab exercises list will have been sent to your email on file. Technique is very important and you should rely on the instructions and cues taught in person during care and then refer to this page as a reminder at home.
Rehab Exercises Index
Correct Lifting Rehab
Motor Control Exercises
Scoliosis Rehab (NMR)
Neck Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Back Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Hip Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Knee Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Ankle Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Shoulder Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Wrist & Elbow Rehab Range of Motion Stretches Strengthening
Breathing Techniques